Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bracing for Takeoff

      Hi all! Right now Max and I are mere hours away from being on an Air India flight out of Ohare.  We fly to Berlin and then to Dheli for what is sure to be and interesting 10 hour layover. After the Dheli airport (and 36 hours of travel) we arrive at our destination of Kathmandu at 9 am. It will be a brand new day in a brand new place.      
      The purpose of this blog is to keep our friends and family up to date on our adventures. We might not always be able to update this blog due to a variety of reasons but bear with us and check up on us periodically. Thanks. You will here more from us soon.


  1. What happened to the super awesome hair cut Max?!? I was looking forward to a picture of that.

  2. Hey guys, postings are great as are the adventures. No question about it, you are not in Kansas (said Dorothy). I'm sitting on the roof facing east, watching the rising sun. Far away, somewhere in that direction, the sun has already greeted you and you are deep into your day. I hope it brings you the same magnifient sky as what I'm sitting under.
    love, Dad
